Exhibition history



15.04.2022. - 28.08.2022. / Collezione Burri Ex Seccatoi del Tabacco


“La Luce del Nero” is the title of the upcoming exhibition hosted in one of the two museums of Fondazione Burri, the Ex Seccatoi del Tabacco in Città di Castello, Italy. Here, the color Black shifts from the concept of dark and absence to becoming an actual color. This event has been designed to be inclusive for a public with visual impairment, besides offering an immediate and highly stimulating sensorial experience to all visitors.


Tina Gverović and Siniša Ilić: Pressure Points

14.04.2022. - 23.10.2022. / Zbirka Richter


For Tina Gverović and Siniša Ilić research for this exhibition began with the renowned Yugoslav Pavilion at the international exhibition EXPO 58 in Brussels in 1958 by the architect Vjenceslav Richter. The spatial organisation the Pavilion, which involved numerous collaborators, included the topics of state and social organisation, contemporary art, economy, and tourism. The artists are particularly interested in how Richter employed specific design strategies in order to represent societal structures of the time. The pavilion was broken into distinct but overlapping topics or areas, with key characteristics of the design being dedicated to transparency, cross-pollination, and trans-disciplinarity. With this in mind, Tina and Siniša began to think about how today’s society might be presented within a contemporary pavilion, and about the primary topics that should be addressed within such a pavilion.


American International School of Zagreb - Students Exhibition

06.04.2022. - 01.05.2022. / MSU, 1. kat povremenih izložbi


Each year, Grade 12 Visual Arts students of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) showcase a carefully curated exhibition of artwork which they have developed during the two-year programme. The exhibition is one of their final assessments as IBDP Visual Artists, worth 40% of their overall score. Typically the course pushes students through a cycle of research, experimentation, and discovery; through successes and failures, with the final challenge having to tie it all together into a thematically or stylistically coherent body of work. 

This year's exhibition from the American International School of Zagreb explores the world of dreams, expression and portraiture, while demonstrating a development of skills in a variety of media.

The exhibition can be visited during regular museum opening hours until May 1st.


05.04.2022. - 05.06.2022. / MSU, 3. kat



Collection as a Verb

05.04.2022. - 31.12.2022. / MSU, 1. kat


The series of exhibitions with the joint title Collection as a Verb, which are created as a team effort, represent the new collection in duration of the Museum, so as to redefine its' concept and the social context in which it is situated. The title of the cycle is inspired by the poem “Freedom Is a Verb” by Slovenian poet Boris A. Novak. The exhibitions are not a finished project, but rather a process and swift reaction to the events around us. If we consider the collection a verb – an action, a state of being, or an occurrence – our team, together with the artists and the community, is a subject operating in time.


Davor Mezak: Disturbing Earthquake Reality

16.03.2022. - 01.05.2022. / MSU, Black Box


With his exhibition Disturbing Earthquake Reality, the multimedia artist Davor Mezak presents the current post-earthquake reality of urban and rural parts of Banovina. In the form of interviews, residents of Banovina present their personal experiences and the consequences of the earthquake on their everyday lives and work, while a series of photographs shows the consequences of the earthquake on residential and commercial buildings, as well as cultural and sacral goods. 


M 48° 15′ 24.13″ N, 14° 30′ 6.31″ E - Mauthausen: Redeeming/Erasing/Memory

11.01.2022. - 06.02.2022. / MSU galerija


In a multi-year research project entitled M 48° 15′ 24.13″ N, 14° 30′ 6.31″ E (Mauthausen's geographical coordinates), Austrian artist Marko Zink explores the trivialization of Nazi history, commemorative culture and the practice of erasing collective memory through expanded photography. It is a project that was originally realized in April 2019 for the Mauthausen Memorial where the artist exhibited photographic cycles aimed at making visible a double disappearance: the extermination of people and the eradication of memories. Selected works were exhibited at Michaela Stock Gallery in Vienna. Zink’s oeuvre there showed the seriousness of the approach to the topic and the complexity of artistic execution. These photographic cycles are premiered in Croatia at the MSU Gallery. The exhibition opens Jan. 11 at 6 p.m. Immediately after the opening of the exhibition, there will be a discussion on the experiences of commemorative practices with the participation of the director of the Mauthausen Memorial Barbara Glück, historian Ivo Goldstein,  the director of Jasenovac memorial Ivo Pejaković, head of the Documentation Center for Dealing with the Past Vesna Teršelič, artist Marko Zink and curator Leila Topić.


Barricading the Ice Sheets - A research endeavor by Oliver Ressler

30.11.2021. - 06.02.2022. / MSU, 3. kat


Barricading the Ice Sheets at Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb is the first solo exhibition to encompass all of Oliver Ressler’s artistic production focused on climate breakdown. The 59 works exhibited span from 1994 to 2021, including films, video installations, photographic works, a three-channel slide installation, sculptures, banners, drawings and one painting.



Ana Hušman: A person without a house is homeless, what is a house without a person?

25.11.2021. - 30.01.2022. / Zbirka Richter


A house is a house. A home. A measure. An island. An experience. An inheritance. A loan. A property. A community. A life goal. An image that never existed, or one that suddenly disappears without a trace. But what is a house without a person? Still a house, it would seem. What is it that gets labelled, archived, conserved when someone’s private space becomes a museum? What connects the protocols of protection, touch and care in the case of a private house and a public institution? 

On-line exhibition and book: https://anahusman.net/sintart14/#


Dimitrije Bašičević Mangelos: Documents of an Experiment

15.09.2021. - 16.10.2021. / Zbirka Richter


On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of birth of Dimitrije Bašičević Mangelos (1921 – 1987), the exhibition Documents of an Experiment will be opened at the Vjenceslav Richter and Nada Kareš Richter Collection.

The exhibition’s title has been drawn from one of Mangelos’s works produced in the blackened catalogue of the group EXAT 51 – whose co-founder and member was also Richter – in which this artist expressed his attitude towards their 1953 exhibition at the Association of Architects, which he supported with his critical and theoretical work.